aaaaugh this episode's directing is so good I knew exactly what they were doing when Judai didn't get the golden egg bread.......... genious (such an old ref at this point too) #GXwatch
It's a little relieving to know that he didn't just snap so bad all on his own, or even with influence with the Light of Destruction as some people think that's a possibility bc of his contact w/Edo, that it was the cards themselves that fucked w/his body + likely mind #GXwatch
tHIS IS SOOO FUCKING STUPID BUT also good at the same time because it ALSO explains why 1) the Cyberdark deck itself was sealed and "forbidden", otherwise there'd be no reason for it to be and 2) yet more reason Ryo warped the way he did #GXwatch
Sho immediately calling out how stupid it is is very meta even though I know it's actually A Plot thing still lol.... being used to YGO bullshit it is actually a good plot point it's just so ridiculous at the same time #GXwatch
THE FACT HE IS SAYING ALL THIS WITH A FOND SMILE lmao I hate you Ryo... I'm glad he's chilled a bit but lol @ him looking at the duel he literally died of a heart attack from fondly... it's just a lot #GXwatch