//=time() ?>
The random Flymon fight is kinda odd. Motimon doesn't digivolve and Patamon doesn't attack. Two fliers that could've attacked the enemy flier. Also, was Gomamon just on top of a puddle?
I finally got the last DGV-Code I needed to digivolve my MetalGreymon into a WarGreymon! It's a Halloween miracle!
can someone please explain how these little shits somehow digivolve into hot angel looking things? LIKE???
I wish y’all could’ve seen my reaction when i digivolved fanbeemon and got raptordramon. I had no idea these two digimon existed.
#GlyndaGoodwitch #WeissSchnee #RWBY #RWDE #RWBYDCComics -
Apparently RT used Chris Lee's Dust Trivolver design (made in 2015) in the most recent RWBY DC Comic (Weiss's issue/edition). I hope these artists are getting credited and are getting compensated for their work somehow.
《Lilithmon 1st Run》
Day 7 (Yesterday) : L.Devimon
Day 8 (Today) : Still L.Devimon
Okay, 134 Wins & 100% Win Ratio ! Nicely done.
Just a few more days to Digivolve to Lilithmon...
*Take a deep breath*
Keep calm and Be patient...
《Lilithmon 1st Run》
Day 2 : Cupimon -> Terriermon
Hah, I could have sworn that I've trained you "In the morning 8:00AM - 10:00AM" and yet, You still Digivolve into Terriermon for unknown reason.
"Does this look like the face of mercy to you ?"
I swear man, if the next Digimon movie doesn’t have Agumon digivolve into Victorygreymon imma be hella confused. What else could they possibly do with Agumon at this point?
Prismon! She is a prismatic carbuncle digimon who can absorb other digimon of the same level to digivolve. Her next form's attribute/appearance is dictated by the attribute of whatever she absorbed. In the story she is for, she relies on the 3 kids to be temp 'absorbed' instead.
“Sylphymon is the DNA Digivolved form of Gatomon and Aquilamon. Sylphymon’s Static Force is the ultimate weapon against darkness and hate." ~ Stingmon
He (or they; both pronouns are used in the fandom) is the best fusion that "Digimon 02" had to offer. 🥰
I adore Shurimon not only b/c of his wicked leaf ninja design but b/c of how gentlemanly & protective he is of Yolei.
This is carried on through his other Digivolved forms but is most prevalent through this one!
They're my 2nd fave dynamic after Ken & Wormmon/Stingmon! 🍃💧💜💚
my boy linoone really gone and digivolved to ultimate form
a Guilmon (and Growlmon, and every evo) gijinka! she digivolves and she's cute and yes. her name is Carmen!