This is my second entry For our new project for food fantasy fanzine "DREAM SKIN"
Will be available in
We will open PO
More information will be update soon 🙏🙏

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(AU doodles) dad miyuki and baby koshu! 🙏 kind of meant to match with the kuramochi & asada one I drew hehe

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more AU doodles! feat dad kuramochi and baby asada ;u; (the new 1st years are in the kindergarten!)

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"nice one, kuramochi. try not to get hit next time though, you'll stain your jersey."
"what's a little blood, ryo-san? it builds character."

happy kuraryou day i love them and I love hockey so this really was inevitable

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Necessary zoom of kuramochi (good looking) face throwing his 'knowing' look for clear skin 🍀

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최고의 하루를 보냈으면 좋겠어 쿠라모치 내가 너 사랑한다😍 넌...머리가 녹색이라 꽃이랑 잘어울려... (급기야)


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5월 17일! 쿠라모치 생일 축하해ㅠㅠㅠㅠ더 이쁜 그림으로 축하하고 싶었지만 이게 한계였어.. 선배들에게 사랑받는 쿠라모치 너무 좋아 사랑해ㅠㅠ

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6!! ofc i had to draw best boy kuramochi for his jersey number 😿

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Drawing\inking practice Kuramochi

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✨ Noah, 18, 🇦🇺
✨ first watched/read it in 2016
✨ Miyuki, Eijun, Koushuu, Kuramochi, Tetsu, Tesshin, everyone except the guy that knocked Miyuki down
✨ msw, miyuki x koushuu (any Miyuki ship tbh)
✨ draws daiya fanart sometimes but thinks about it way too often

2 20

Uh im joining 👀
🌸 Nui, 21, she/her, spanish
🌸 Here since 2015
🌸 Fave: Cheetah boy
🌸 Ships: Everything involving Eijun or Kuramochi plus ItsuMei and Sanada/Raizou
🌸 I try fanart sometimes

5 28

saw making its rounds again!
⚾️ hi im cam/artist/makes goods
⚾️ kuramochi & eijun best boys⚾️ also cosplay them!
⚾️ main ships msw, krsw, krmy
⚾️ bullies miyucky a lot it’s my inner cheetah need to kick
⚾️ tire-kun is tru partner
⚾️ runs &

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Did a quick pen doodle of a pierced Kuramochi from daiya 💚🤙🏼

I need to draw more daiya later. Those dorks deserve it lol

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Cheetah kuramochi with fangs 👅💦

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