Cool stuff from t 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door sedan, watercolor on paper. Quick snap of ...|

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Cool stuff from .ca Sundog Hill 2017, Transparent Watercolor on Lana ~11x15"|

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Cool stuff from Doing what I love after almost a month. The first painting of the year h...|

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Cool stuff from 65 Using your imagination|

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Cool stuff from rcolor Snow that fell on Christmas Eve was a delight to watch and paint the nex...|

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Cool stuff from WATERCOLOR EXERCISE FOR MY STUDENTS. 2016 🎨 ...|

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Cool stuff from Can't stop making smudges|

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Cool stuff from Пора запасаться новогодним настроением! Чтобы, конечно, делиться им с др...|

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Cool stuff from osaisya [冬晴れ]  size:F4, 2016/2

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Cool stuff from Tadaaa! The 24th to complete a watercolor pad! 😁
of last year's wa...|

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Cool stuff from Galaxy dreaming 🙄😌|

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Cool stuff from 12月5日(月曜日)
冬の陽射し F6号 50分 おはようございます(^-^)/
『応挙の極意』から✨✨✨✨ 〝誠意はその時その場の状況に...|

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Cool stuff from .arts Mountain range 🗻

{#sakurakoi ...|

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Cool stuff from "Hunting In The Rain" (the image is cropped)

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