Ive been avoiding glasses & have an upcoming commission with them 🤓 time to conquer this fear

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water color study, exploring color and how it dries on paper, am super loving painting from life 😊

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painted from life - been learning speed 🤨 my kids are VERY impatient models

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またもや詐欺系占い手相アプリがApp Storeの上位に!もしインストールしてしまった場合の削除方法と中身を検証! https://t.co/wXQWTv41pn

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Im fascinated with how much the color changes as the paper dries

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> Great Career
> Hot & Loving LifePartnerSoulmateWife
> Wonderful Daughter
> Walking Human Mecha

Yes, Nanoha. You win.

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