Danny Devito as Manfred von Karma

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baby Manfredi Lodovico il Giovane 🐸

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Oggi andiamo
Santuario della Bocciola Ameno dedicato alla apparsa il 28 marzo 1543 a Giulia Manfredi, giovane pastorella muta, tra i rami di 1 albero di pruno (bòzzolo in dialetto) mentre la ragazza pregava presso un’edicola mariana affrescata.

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manfred von karma layout ♡ hopefully you guys like it

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Just this little fella with a coat and hair that merges with his tricorn hat
his name is Manfred

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KEIYU RACING SAPPLY ケーユー レーシング サプライ

Manfred Mothesさんのサイト
”Motorcycle Racing Heroes of the Past”を

38 171

Its friday! Time to meet a new hero!

Meet String-Theory,
Once the hair to the Manfredi crime family, now a rookie superhero trying to earn his stripes.

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It’s fascinating to see a Martin blockbuster applied to the Coronation. It’s likely his royal friends were delighted but to modern eyes the doll-like figures seem strangely butterfly-like. The Deluge (1834), Manfred & Alpine Watch (1837) & The Coronation of Queen Victoria (1839)

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Sometimes you need some quick fluff for your rarepair loving soul. 💕

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26 févr. 1266: Bataille de Bénévent.
Sous la bannière du Pape, Charles d'Anjou, frère de Louis IX, défait l'armée scicilo-arabe de Manfred von Hohenstaufen. Ce dernier est tué et Clément IV investit aussitôt le prince capétien «roi de Sicile» en lieu et place du vaincu!

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i was tempted to give you manfred for shits and giggles

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Cripta S. Lucia del Gonfalone Entry via delle Carceri 8 Banchi Vecchi 12 - Read with comment PURGATORIO III - MANFREDI DI SVEVIA - Thursday 20 Feb. 7.30pm
La battaglia di Benevento, da Giovanni Villani, Nuova cronica, Biblioteca Vaticana, Roma

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_Catherine Spaak e Nino Manfredi in "La parmigiana" Di Antonio Pietrangeli, 1963

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