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Oggi andiamo
Santuario della Bocciola Ameno #LagoDOrta, dedicato alla #Vergine, apparsa il 28 marzo 1543 a Giulia Manfredi, giovane pastorella muta, tra i rami di 1 albero di pruno (bòzzolo in dialetto) mentre la ragazza pregava presso un’edicola mariana affrescata.
"Being alive is making choices." - #Carl #Manfred
@qdream_ru @Quantic_Dream #davidcage
#Markus #RK200 #Connor #RK800
#bryandechart #jessewilliams #ConnorArmy #DechartGames
Find the eggs and catch the rabbit!
North's Easter way! 😁
Have a nice Easter's day!!
#HappyEaster2020 #Easter #Easter2020 #north #dbh #DechartGames #connorarmy #dbh #detroitbecomehuman @qdream_ru @Quantic_Dream #markus #rk200 #wr400 #carl #manfred
@Qwerty_Soda Just this little fella with a coat and hair that merges with his tricorn hat
his name is Manfred
KEIYU RACING SAPPLY ケーユー レーシング サプライ
Manfred Mothesさんのサイト
”Motorcycle Racing Heroes of the Past”を
#バイクイラスト #motogp_jp #motogp #2st
Its friday! Time to meet a new hero!
Meet String-Theory,
Once the hair to the Manfredi crime family, now a rookie superhero trying to earn his stripes.
#superhumanresources #shr #boardgame #tabletop #pixelart #superhero #art #marvel #dc
It’s fascinating to see a Martin blockbuster applied to the Coronation. It’s likely his royal friends were delighted but to modern eyes the doll-like figures seem strangely butterfly-like. The Deluge (1834), Manfred & Alpine Watch (1837) & The Coronation of Queen Victoria (1839)
Sometimes you need some quick fluff for your rarepair loving soul. 💕 #Leosh #LeoManfred #dbhjosh #dbhleo
26 févr. 1266: Bataille de Bénévent.
Sous la bannière du Pape, Charles d'Anjou, frère de Louis IX, défait #CeJourLà l'armée scicilo-arabe de Manfred von Hohenstaufen. Ce dernier est tué et Clément IV investit aussitôt le prince capétien «roi de Sicile» en lieu et place du vaincu!
Cripta S. Lucia del Gonfalone Entry via delle Carceri 8 Banchi Vecchi 12 - Read with comment PURGATORIO III - MANFREDI DI SVEVIA - Thursday 20 Feb. 7.30pm
La battaglia di Benevento, da Giovanni Villani, Nuova cronica, Biblioteca Vaticana, Roma
_Catherine Spaak e Nino Manfredi in "La parmigiana" Di Antonio Pietrangeli, 1963