There you are, minding your own boobin’ business and then PPphhffFrampPp your mini-me lets one rip. Eeeeew what has this baby been eating?! Oh wait... what have I been eating?

♥ ( . Y . ) ♥

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There you are, minding your own boobin’ business and then PPphhffFrampPp your mini-me lets one rip. Eeeeew what has this baby been eating?! Oh wait... what have I been eating?

♥ ( . Y . ) ♥

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You plonk down, get the baby latched on, watch them happily suckling away and THEN realise your tea just out of arm’s reach. Tragedy. “Big Up My Boobs”

♥ ( . Y . ) ♥

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You plonk down, get the baby latched on, watch them happily suckling away and THEN realise your tea just out of arm’s reach. Tragedy. “Big Up My Boobs”

♥ ( . Y . ) ♥

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Inspired by Van Gogh’s famous painting of boots done 120 years ago

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the books I read in February!

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