fris assigned me pink...... time to find pink faves hehehe
I have no clue if I was supposed to do 4 or not so I just did the only ones to come to mind kjfksjfkdsfdfsd

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I recoloured this pink....because I’m going through a pink and purple phase at the moment!

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A huge congratulations!

I love interacting with people in the art twitterverse and my art usually includes pink... And food.

Bottom right was a dtiys entry for the awesome also Tagging the lovely

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for Indygo Wolf, of their pink... purple... indigo (oh I get it!) doggo!

Now the real question is... is it a dye job, or ... how much dye would they need to actually accomplish...?

Natural. It has to be natural.


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Trying out a new art styling with pink Pearl! So much pink...

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@ GrosslyGhostly did such a good job on this I just feel so giddy inside everytime I look at it like gosh that's me....
Big fat and pink......

Big round dragoness......

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her sleeves are just a puffy jacket.....i love
you have pretty eyes please marry me

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I saw this going around // OC or sona and I based freya off me. I love pink... I’m sorru. She’s doesn’t look anything close LOL!!!!

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Another Rin doodle... pink...

105 543

A huge congratulations! My next milestone is 800.

I'm very much experimenting with fanart and OCs, my drawings can usually be found eating something, and there's usually pink...

Tagging these lovelies

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Pink... Green... Yellow...
Have you selected a color theme for your El House yet?
What is your favorite color for your furniture?

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unimportant but I got this today and I got pink... I wish my sib ordered the same and get like orange or smth so we can be YuAn color....

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I wake and I hand you your child...!!!

They are porble and pink... The strawberries are the pink (and literal strawberries) and the devilish icon is their hair + ribbon headband!! All the ribbons tie in with the present emoji and yEAH!!!

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I wonder what people imagined when they chose pink...I'm sure it's not him

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