This was another recycled prompt of mine -- for comparison, here is (unedited) "a beautiful painting of a swirling galaxy with a ringed planet, by thomas kinkade and james gurney, trending on artstation" created with way back in January:

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From the Fleischer Studio’s Superman animation team in the early 1940s, a layout drawing of the Daily Planet. Which is so evocatively perfect that it feels as if there really was a Daily Planet, & that its home in Metropolis had been sketched one night to produce this beauty.

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Sara's playing Freedom Planet, now playable on most current platforms (I mean, it has been for a while now)!

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I love Jason, for years didn't get good vibes from him but after Atlantis? he's really great, talks shit to caenis, has this "i'm so done with this" attitude, herc simp in the planet, surprisingly cunning going through mental gymnastics against Odysseus, drinks.

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Soulfully Connecting planet, people & animal kingdom globally– no one is forgotten!

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Everything that benefits the planet, the people & the animal kingdom in one place!

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4/? Please take this time, whoever your are, to tag the female artists you love, on this planet, and tell them how much you appreciate them.

We love you ladies, grrlls - you bring us so much and light up our lives.


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The Combine Empire invades, colonizes and plunders the resources of thousands of different planets. On an arboreal planet, the invaders reduce its surface to ashes to harvest one of their main usefull resource : The Resin. Giving no importance to the fauna and flora.

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I wanted to give a big thank you to all of my wonderful friends!

Even if I didn’t know you for all of my 20 years on this planet, you still made them better ♥️

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Our planet,
theirs too.
Let them live
with freedom and peace.

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A mysterious figure my players briefly met in our B-team one shot (a different group of characters same time same world, different plot)

In our game, the drow have vanished from the planet, thought to have been lost long ago… but perhaps not in the cold uninhabited north.

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Featured Art of the Day: "New planet, new moon". Buy it at:

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Slizer/Throwbots (1999 - 2000)
Robots attempt to coexist on a metallic planet, though it doesn't go very well. Despite Millennium being involved in the final battle and wielding a gold disk, it doesn't appear to be a special or specific disk that would decide the outcome.

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🛰️ Olympus Mons, the greatest volcano of the Solar System! Check out or new gallery on Instagram:

➡️ If you are looking for educational resources and activities ready to use about the Red Planet, you can find them here:

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Remake Sephiroth is also sane again (in my opinion at least), but has he reverted to his Crisis Core persona or is he just evil and have real agency again???

I could see a scenario in which he wants to expunge Jenova from the planet, fighting the other Sephiroths.

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Look a this cute little gremlin! Extremely special thanks to for the new tuber model she makes the best art on the planet, She does all of my art and is a great friend. please give her support if you love her art as much as i do!

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Earth is a strange planet, but it has some nice beaches. Some.

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(Unnamed 3rd Planet Game): another planet like Super Relaxing Planet and Super Distressing Planet, didn't have a coherent theme like those ones- wanted to do some cool grass, I did, then I dropped it (bonus 4th screenshot is a cool bug with the grass)

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Lost in Space (Season 2, 2019): The Resolute and the Gas planet, art by Martin Bergquist

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While traveling to the red planet, young Aldi reflects on the journey thus far, learns to adapt to life on her own, & tries to prepare herself for the trials ahead - whatever they may be.

Book 2 of the Last Diaspora series releases this fall

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