am late for but what else is new 🤷‍♀️

hi!! I’m tayler, a multi media artist who dabbles in both plush and cute illustrations 😊

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Hi we draw things we love from anime to cartoons to games and were working on our own original story/manga atm, we will use digital one day but we love hand drawn, also want to become an on screen/voice actor one day too

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Hi I am an aspiring concept artist, still trying to feel my way through this whole thing but for now here's some of my stuff!

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H! I'm eldatzu. Now, I love children's illustration but still do fan art.

1 4

already yeah? Alrighty!

My name's Inu! I like drawing cute girls and cool dudes. Especially with big poofy hair. Hope you enjoy!

12 28

I like bright colors and making my life dificult for no reason

5 16

Hi! My name is Joseph (●◇●/)
I love to draw my OC's and fanart. Here's some of my fav artworks.

2 14

Hello,im an algerian artist who does some coding,but mostly art,im even planning to make my own game

0 10

Oh its "kinda" Portfolio day... Hi Im Stelleia and i like drawing Atem and Yugi from who also happens to be a , who also likes drawing original characters and fanart! 💕

5 17

Happy Portfolio Day~! 🌸 I'm ThePrincessOfGold, a teenage artist who loves to draw video game and anime characters~! 💗

19 80

hi, i'm mori and i love drawing :3

1 6

Аня як завжди ледь не пропустила а тут такі роботки кодоритні) та, малюю ілюстрації і портрети із нашими народними орнаментами і мотивами

ну і під вітражі кошу, бо можу)

12 76

Oh hey it’s

I’m Sarah and I do character design, illustrator and toys/consumer merchandise design.

1 1

Hello, I’m Slurku a digital and traditional freelance/hobbyists artist. I like monsters, fanart, character designs and toothy characters. Thanks for looking ⭐️


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Well is here, so I’m gonna make my mark here again! I’m just a fellow artists who loves to draw fantasy character designs and stories!

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Wow! Nice chance to show my things :3 welcome!

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