//=time() ?>
I’ll try my luck. These are my characters Lady Drox and Ramia. (Art by me) I love your videos! ❤️ #madeyewpaint
We are so excited to share with you our latest license
Tokyo Ghoul!
As we foresee lot's of potential in this underutilized title which we can add our own Figuramian signature to the rich and dynamic characters.
#anime #tokyoghoul #figurama #figuramacollectors #statue #manga
it's been a long time, brother. we fight along side each other like old times. i miss those days -Ramian
bro time~~
more Ramian and Ravien doodle and art
because i love them, i love my child
//finally drawing something other than buildings and perspective vectors all day 9 v 6)
//her name is ramia~
Pierce👑@plurnetjp by @partyfishjp
#Ultra2016 #UltraMiami
【OZMAFIA!!・関連CD】『Character Song Vol.1 CARAMIA』 http://t.co/HzdWN5Qjlj ◆出演(敬称略)◆カラミア(新垣樽助)・キリエ(興津和幸)・アクセル(梯篤司)
キャラクターソングVol1『CARAMIA』11月2日発売!◆アカウントをフォロー&このツイートをRTしてくれた方の中から抽選で2名様にキャストサイン入りポスタープレゼント!【11/4〆】 http://t.co/UCyW1AX994