The amount of profanity in comics is horrible. I can’t let my kids read that! I’m canceling all of it.

465 2135

Last issue to the reaction comics but never fear your regular will be updated (whenever I feel like it).

Great job to once again! That’s a wrap, folks!

197 1092

Bitch you thought






I want to be this old lady when I’m old. also I have to say.... voice acting here is awesome. Madness Cinder is so freaking good.

257 1413

Naw, bitch.





I might be too gay for this fight.

210 1161

Not for the faint of heart





As sad I am for I’m also extremely mad at him. Boy, why? Common. Sense.

212 1359

The original 1st panel might be too much for y’all to handle. Don’t worry y’all. She’s fine. She’s got 9 lives. I’m not worried.

Sweats profusely*

200 1200

Wao. A Commissioned and co-written by





Can’t get over how awesome her line delivery was in that reveal.

163 907

And we’re back. V7E10





Neat trick.

331 1583

The weekly episode will be delayed this week. But have a great Monday!

39 397

No new this week. So the decided to present to you a play...

267 1400







I’m actually kinda excited to learn more about this kid.

165 1005

Look a






Running a campaign can’t be cheap. You gotta be creative...

278 1416

I couldn’t sleep so...






Since that ominous description went up. This is all I’ve been thinking about.

130 777