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Tatsuki Fujimoto:
Sayonara Eri (Good Bye Eri) (#Jump

Today, the 2nd chapter of
has been uploaded on Jump+. Can you read it in your country?

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Was commissioned to make a simple title screen illustration for a Sayonika mod currently being developed by Tormuse.

The demo came out recently, so I'll link it a reply below ~

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Представление либидин - похотливых мобов из 5 тайповых регионов - Акиния, Акаруя, Шуй, Синшия и Ямина!

Introduction of libidines - lustful enemies from 5 typical regions - Akinia, Akaruya, Shui, Xingzhiya and Yamina!

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In addition to the below, I also pray that someday Kodansha resume Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei and that Dark Horse resume MPD Psycho. Pipe dreams both.

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🆕🇯🇵'Sayonara, Eden' de Shiho Watanabe. Yuiko es una ama de casa que empieza a estar agobiada de su vida, que comparte con marido, hija y suegra. Tsuma Petit/Shogakukan.

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Hello to my fellow internet friends, these are my arts from . This might be a little late but I just wanna say I am honoured to be able to participate in this zine. It's free so you can go download it at the official fanzine twitter.

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Анонс нового персонажа, который является витубером - Мэдлин Эппих "Мэдроза"!

Announcement of character, who's vtuber - Madeline Appyh "Maderose" (pronounced as medroz)!

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Tis late, i shall sleep now, Sayonara!🔥

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Наконец-то, один из друзей Пола получил концепт)
Антон Элулов или же под ником Сёгун - 3д дизайнер из Беларуси, проживающий в Сайонаре)
На данный момент, ему 21.

Finally, one of Paul's friend got a concept)
Anton Elulov or Shogun is a 3D modeler from Belarus, lives in Sayonara)

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Наконец-то, друг детства Пола - Мэтт Литни или же МэттНайсЙоба, композитор)

Finally, Paul's childhood friend - Matt Lithney or MattNiceYoba, composer)

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Friendly fire for SayonaraSon on Deviantart of their character Gabriel! I just thinks he's neat

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Sayonara, my weekends...And goodnight. Btw here's a wip.

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『フツーに聞いてくれ』 ''Futsuu ni Kiite Kure'' by Tatsuki Fujimoto and Oto Tooda will releases today at 00:00 in Japan, avalible on Shonen Jump+

『さよなら絵梨』 ''Sayonara Eri'' print volume will be in sale starting from July 4

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「Cinnamon Coffee☕️」に寄稿したイラストです。まだ見てない方はツリーをチェックチェック〜👇(無料で全てのコンテンツを閲覧することができます!)

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sayonika art <_< omgee wow
yeah this was pretty quick n easy soo yeahhhh idk

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「Cinnamon Coffee☕️」

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bayojeanne x sayonara wild hearts

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