I'm Sicilia Katsuki Nikiforov.
I am the master top coordinator in beauty and cute and the queen of hoenn now queen of galar. I'm happily married to Leon. Nice to meet you all.

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Teppei Sasakura

『語らい〜The Conversation〜』

「笹倉鉄平 全版画集 2002〜2013」に収録



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Layers of pistachio cake, raspberry jam, raspberries, raspberry whipped cream and covered with cream cheese frosting Sicilian pistachios and more raspberries.
Thank you to my client for sending these pictures of the cake!!! I love getting pics of the inside of my cakes!

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I just found out that got an Italian dub

Not only that but , the 🇮🇹 voice of Edward Elric, plays Tanjiro.

Last year I got my Sicilian friend into so this just got me all excited.

So if you see this Renato, congratulazioni da 🇺🇲!

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I love celtic music so it inspired me to draw Risotto like that. Risotto seem to me like nordic man although he is a Sicilian xD

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Non ho preso il caffè e mi secca la vita, eccovi un Bucci siciliano

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Era tradizioni ’n Sicilia che ogni delitto di mafia vinissi, in primisi, fatto passari come originato da ’na quistioni di corna.
Andrea Camilleri ,La piramide di fango

🎨 Lepic

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Quarantena in Sicilia, giorno 6

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Tempo fa avevo detto di avere voglia di "tradurre" pannelli di va in siciliano (perché sì) e ora mi sono ritrovata sta cosa e non riesco a smettere di ridere

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is hosting a Draw This In Your Style of their character, Sicilia on Instagram and I felt like hopping onto that because I haven't drawn a girl in a while. I had fun drawinf her! XD

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"Nove anni da che t'ho salutata
o mia dimenticata, giovane siciliana.
Fra noi due si distese
un'impervia rovina
di lontananza e tempo.

L'eco d'un tratto udii
della tua risata.
Ti riconobbi, e il piacere
d'un batticuore mi corse."

🎨 Gaetano Bellei

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La chiesetta rupestre di San Nicolò inferiore a l'abside e la fonte battesimale risalgono al XII secolo e fu scoperta per caso nel 1987.

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Of that fatal
country, Sicilia, prithee speak no more;
Winter's Tale [IV, 2]

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Cuando bloqueas la apertura del alfil de rey con la defensa siciliana / / Cuando te avientas con éxito el Gambito del Chelín de Blackbourne por primera vez.

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昨夜の で小関裕太 クンも訪れてたモディカ。
「SALE DI SICILIA」という塩味のチョコレート。今夜は1切れ食べました。

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More gritty-trippy bedazzlements at the Ballarò market...

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