maple tree,salt water taffy and bourbon

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Probably “Cinnamint”, orange spice tea (the brand in the pic is super tasty 👌), or coffee.

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Sake / Hot Spring / Mountainside of a Forest

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Ratkida in the other hand stays home all day drawing so she smells like pencils and paper, with that sawdust bit because rat.

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*my sona: he smel like old /new blood+rusty iron, humidity and how the dentist instruments /consultory smells

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Fresh bamboo, peaches and smells of spiced rum is what you can expect from this panda!
Some outside sources say she might smell like lilacs.

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Marble smells of lavender, freshly baked bread, and petrichor.

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Baby’s breath, a dusty attic, and the aftertaste of 300mg lithium tablets.

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