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Anubis with amnesia! A mysterious beauty who tears up while calling out his name in a friendly! What's their relationship…?
Finally, I learned about Anubis' workplace and his new big fluffies…
(ENNEAD S2 chapter 30)

14 199

I really don't care if the fandom hates Osiris. After Anubis he is my 2nd fav character from and he is amazing to watch. I love how he sets the world on fire with his single appearance or a few words🔥(~ ̄³ ̄)~🔥

0 18

s2 spoilers // Anubis thinks Seth might be his past lover...and then he's gently brushing aside Seth's hair...IS HE ABOUT TO KISS HIM TO COMFORT HIM

80 543

Omg he's literally seth

130 596

“This… He isn’t acting. He is… sincere. What happened? Can it be that we were lovers?”

- Anubis [internal monologue]; Ennead 105 {spoilers}🤭👀🔥

61 316

s2 spoilers//both Seth’s innate love and selfishness are on full display in this chapter. when it sinks in for him that Anubis lost his memories, his first thought is absolute RAGE, both at the circumstances and Anubis himself, that he's the only one keeping their promise

15 179

s2 spoilers// OH MY FUCKING

I have to go confirm with @/asaoknom asap

27 185

"Gods can't forget.....I know you're pretending because you're mad at me but please stop."💔😭 Can we continue hating Osiris cuz fck him for planning this whole reunion or manipulation what.

15 149

ENNEAD s2 kr spoiler //

I’m starting to have feelings for Anibus messy wavy hair like extremely real feelings HE’S SO AWESOME

26 138


oh he didnt just copy some of seth's moves....he also copied his expressions 👀 lmao forget nephthys, anubis may as well pass as osiris and seth's son 😂

64 424

ep30 spoilers///

he's so fuckig beautiful kghdfhfgj

31 312

S2 Episode 30 spoilers

"That's the only promise I have! You're the only reason I have to live!"

71 420

The face of desperation😭💔 Seth was so confused because Anubis seems to forget about him. "Stop pretending please, If you are mad then I'm sorry. You said you'd wait for me so please stop this." 😭💔

51 295

ENNEAD spoilers//

Seth's genuine agony and grief is so obviously on display and comes from a place of utter love, and yet Anubis can't understand any of it; Seth has lost his little boy- the one person who was the most important, most motivating presence in his life.

106 650

ENNEAD s2 kr spoiler //

“You’re the only reason i have to live!”

Seth is in denial because Anubis can’t remember him, it’s honestly heartbreaking to see him in such a desperation

43 278

"If you were reborn as a god....then you must resemble your mother. Then why are you dragging corpses around?" 😭💔

40 291

ep30 spoilers///

"Guys, Osiris wants to know how that mf soup coming along !"
"Geez boss, hold on we can't find the salt :( "
"Well you better find it asap!!!!"

18 180


OY OY OY BRAIN......dont go in that direction 👀

57 471

S2 Episode 30 spoilers

Osiris in Duat

21 136