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Anyone who knows me can tell that I never shut up about these shows

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alright alright i gotta do this one. Honorable mention goes out to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

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The four games I consistently have the most fun with and never get tired of playing through, no matter how many times I beat them.

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The games that have given me the most fun and fullfillment.

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So this is me and how it all began.... funny enough I still have my Jap copy of Pokemon green....
Golden Eye multiplayer come at me people!!!!
Tekken will always be my FG

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Here the 4 games that define me the most, from begining to end aka , , series (screenshot is from the upcoming ) and Theese games are more than enterneinment to me <3

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It is nearly impossible to just choose four, but these games brought me new friends, new experiences, and lifelong memories. Even shaping the path that I'm walking now. Almost need an honorable mentions list.

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1)Pokemon.. one of the only reasons I bought handheld Nintendo stuff
2) Banjo Kazooie. dear to my heart. close choice between the ocarina of time and yoshis's story tho
3) LoL.. eventually I'll always come back to this game.
4) Breath of the Wild. Duh.

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The 4 games that made my childhood awesome, makes me want to play again.

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Man, I already did something like this like 6 years ago. Good thing these still hold up! (Used the wrong hashtag last time)

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I had some good childhood games too

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Honestly, these were the first to come to my head for , But if you ask me tomorrow I might have totally different answers.

1) The Binding of Isaac
2) Paper Mario
3) Hyper Light Drifter
4) Ogre Battle 64

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