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Galón,José.(Dates unkown). Reclining Naked Man.Early 1800s. Oil on canvas. Royal Academy of San Fernando,Madrid.
@DavLucia @PasqualeTotaro @tizianacampodon @scastaldi9 @arteeblog3 @claviggi @emanuelaneri14 @MariaMarott @wonderful_g @lucekerien @ValerioLivia @AnnaCountessK @CalaminiciM @Lilliflo @Eliany47 @f_girasole @AndlMF @diamonddust_ @FrancescaSbard1 @anna_1951 @Rita00165512 @dadagioia Anche a te Lucia e amici.
Fernand Toussaint
Jeune femme de profil
Hawkman #21 - (W) @robertvenditti (A) Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert (CA) Raymund Bermudez (VCA) Trevor Hairsine - in stores this week! https://t.co/RbYw10R7Zj - #dccomics
80 years of GREEN LANTERN!
List of creators
Geoff Johns, Darryl Banks, Charlotte Fullerton McDuffie, Sina Grace, Mike Grell, Jeff Lemire, Ron Marz, Denny O’Neil, Fernando Pasarin, Ivan Reis, Rafa Sandoval, Mariko Tamaki, Peter J. Tomasi, James Tynion IV, Robert Venditti,
Love is in the food, 🍕🍍❤️disponible en mis tiendas!/Available on my stores! #Pizza #piña #pineapple #love #amor #pizzaconpiña #pizzawithpineapple #fernandosalasoler #fernandosalasolertees #pornfood #kawaii #cute #tshirt #camiseta #funny #divertido #humor #food #comida
Avocado Married 🥑💍en mis tiendas!/in my stores! #aguacate #avocado #lindo #cute #food #cuteness #comida #kawaii #ternura #fernandosalasoler #fernandosalasolertees #tshirt #foodporn #camiseta #justmarried #reciencasados #casados #healthyfood #guacamole #amor #love #married #boda
A rare bit of poetry for the book club, in the form of Fernando Pessoa's 'I Have More Souls Than One' check out the review and one of my favourite pieces of cover art I've made https://t.co/buaWx3Croh
Manuel Alcorlo, el arte de una fiesta en cada cuadro
La Academia de San Fernando reúne más de un centenar de obras en una antológica del creador madrileño, de 85 años
@ValerioLivia @albertopetro2 @bmarczewska @DavLucia @explor40 @dianadep1 @agustin_gut @Rebeka80721106 @smarucci461 @scastaldi9 @LunaLeso @ampomata @Amyperuana @matibo11 @GerberArancio @BaroneZaza70 @claudioborlotto @marialves53 @fra852 @paoloigna1 @erminiopasquat1 @MaurilioVitto @VicoLudovico @albert_cunill @AlessandraCicc6 @arteeblog @artmajcar @ANNAMARIABIASI1 @martinis2018 @Biagio960 @BPerrionni @BB_Aesztia @ceconomou56 @yianniseinstein @Papryka5 @NadiaZanelli1 @angela3nipoti1 @licprospero @ritamay1 @BrindusaB1 @CristianeGLima @CaterinaCategio L'amicizia serve a darsi forza a vicenda.
Pablo Picasso
Fernande (un quadro che mi affascina molto)
Buona notte a tutti tutti
@Rerebaka_GL Sou o Fernando. Tenho meu Instagram de desenho e o pessoal: sketchnerdarte e o Fernando Gomes Rosa, além do meu canal do YouTube: Sketch Nerd!
@galaxase hello I'm Pablo Fernandes, brazilian artist and I make commissions, stylized and realistic portraits, maybe I don't have your favorite anime 🤪😊
@BrokenGoddessIo My fav
1. Soul Eater Jenos
2. Dragon Forged Barik
3. Knightmare Fernando
Extra: this face paint that no longer exist
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#erzajellal #erzafernandes #erzaskid #erzascarlete #erzascarletquote #ErzaTitaniaScarletQuotes #ErzaTitaniaScarlet #animesexy
Cosplays I plan on doing in 2020 when I'm not swamped with work:
1. Deet
2. Nefertina
3. Faith Fernandez
4. Blackarachnia
Please hold me to it, because I already bough the fabric for Deet 🙏
@OS0rv3t3 Oi, eu sou o Fernando, gosto muito de arte, ilustração e etc. Tenho meu Instagram pessoal e o que só coloco os desenhos (fernandogomesrosa e sketchnerdarte) e tenho um canal no YouTube onde falo de tudo que gosto e mostro uns materiais e tals: YouTube: Sketch Nerd!
@OS0rv3t3 Olá meu nome é Pablo Fernandes, faço desenhos tradicionais e digitais e uma mistureba tbm hahaha 😊