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Have a Biiiiiiiig Hug!

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給阿神一個大大的擁抱!!阿神你不管走到哪裡我都會跟到哪裡!但一定要記住keep a good mood拜託了!炸完後!出去走走散心後!心情要比較好哦!!還有爹爹啊!你一定要保持睡眠充足哦!也要記得回家餒!永遠在溫暖的家等著你!!給你一個big hug!!love you! Forever!我愛你!跟你很久了!要記住英文

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Old vip tlist is active today. I am seeing VIPs who hid inside TOP's cave going out for this historic day. ♥ VIP stan culture proves that you don't have to be there 24/7 for your idols but what matters is that you're a VIP by heart 24/7. BIG FANDOM HUG!

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February's Monthly Challenge is like a big, warm hug!
Keep out of winter's chilly grasp by collecting the entire Beary Cozy Outfit!

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Celebrate positivity and kindness with these books that are so heartwarming, they feel like a hug!

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Just saw your description and you are far too cute! Have a hug!

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I can’t wait for a hug!
It was a fun quick NYC trip, but there’s no place like home. 😀

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Nessie is real! Or, at any rate, The Treasure Of The Loch Ness Monster is a real book. It’s not out til March, but I now have my own shiny copy to hug! Isn’t 's artwork amazing?

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COMMISSION TIME! For the next 3 days I am offering traditional pencil and ink commissions! $25 each. Extra bonus for people going to FC: I'll be able to personally hand you your commission complete with a hug! Please RT to spread awareness of this amazing deal!

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7日遅れwの 明けましておめでとうございます! 2018年もどうぞよろしくお願い致します! 年賀状代わりに 敬愛するコミュニケーション・ディレクター 森本千絵さんプロデュースの <戌年にはこれでしょう!> SNOOPY's BEAGLE HUG! 無断借用も車の後部座席で同クッションを愛用してるから 許して下さい

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Mokadu getting his first taste of the year ahead with a plush Rose snake hug! Mokadu belongs to and Rose

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