画質 高画質

Couldn't post it yesterday because i was a little bit busy, sorry,,,
Anyway, here's Hajime Hinata :D

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Nyeh Magic (ಠvಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚

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!For Twitter post!

If Maki was with manicure, then only with this 🙋‍♀️💁‍♀️

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Verdade, mas admito que a primeira personagem que pensei pra você era a Chiaki de Danganronpavkkk
Só por causa do cabelo curto kkkk

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I made a Junko Enoshima header, although I really hoped I knew how to make it better than it looks right now, since making headers like these are not my specialty

but I gotta step out of my comfort zone eventually right? So i guess this works as practice..?

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