画質 高画質

A slightly more colourful version of "Theta can't draw". But not the most colourful one yet.

34 172

i drew this tender in this very good cupcakke outfit a lil while ago so, here

67 192

it feels like, the feeling of a house where there was just a wake (2/2)

73 206

Late night sketches with a cold brew

0 1

cooldown + a drawing ive been fighting with for a week and im not gonna be happy with ever so

19 54

THETA SCは割と上出来かな?
今回のいいところ... https://t.co/Bmmzo9gC0V

0 2

Oops! And a super cute sporting a THIK (theta iota kappa) brand jockstrap.

43 258

I really really really loved this episode

8 39

twilight mirage aka the season where the women are going to wreck me

110 218

I'm completely in love with the visuals of Nacre

104 219

RICOH THETA SC Type HATSUNE MIKU は、明日 9/1(金)の正午12時から、受注 または 発売開始です!!
詳しくはこちら→ https://t.co/5zxL69lTRb
またはこちら→ https://t.co/rgQTZW4LjS

138 206

[bluff city ep 2 spoilers] this scene was a cinematic masterpiece??

158 302

i started last week and i love it ?

72 230

you know I've wanted to paint Castille ever since I first heard her description.

118 341

the golden sky stories live game was so cute and good and i pictured the whole thing in my head like a ghibli movie ☁️✨

57 214

repping gamma upsilon theta

would you believe he got in on a sports scholarship

40 183


88 274