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's lady is the Bee's Knees showing off her in another ode to the 1920s.

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Just a simple girl in a simple strand of pearls. Simply lovely!

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Flashback to the Roaring 20s with 's She is in love with all her shiny accessories! 💎

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I need Mercy to come to my house and make me feel better 🤒

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Inspired by , , has a simple message in this piece... Love you, smooch! 💖💋❤️

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If you're getting a 💔, make sure it's worth it. has given us a girl worth it!

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Love is in the air every day! You just need to look for it & is here to help you out w/that!

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Everyone's real date on Valentine's day? Chocolate! Be sure to grab some, did w/this little truffle!

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With a slightly naughty vibe is making sure you have a lucky year!

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This Snow Bunny from is hot enough to melt the snow in January. ❄️☃️❄️ 🖌

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Gamer from was holding down the month of September in 2015! 🕹#pinup

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This Goddess by is basking in the creation of nature. 🌹#roses 🖌

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Green Thumb? This beauty by has Green Lips! Look how happy that rose is. 💋🌹#roses

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