画質 高画質

My latest illustration, Will Ferrell as

+ stylus

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re-work'd my I think it works better! =D
Bit of leg length reduction & important + in hands

8 43

Last few days I've been working on this illustration of Jennifer Aniston.

(Ideas) + stylus

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App idea expanded. I'm an app genius. Somebody pay me.

43 83

kakooyoみんなで90分。30分毎に延長しないと強制終了する模様。まあこれは絵チャットだから機能選択を間違えただけか。「じっくりお絵かき」ならずっと描けるみたいだし。zenpad s8.0 z580ca + z stylus

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iPadのProcreateとワコム Intuos Creative Stylus 2で描いてます。

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I use an Epson Stylus Photo R2000 and Velvet Fine Art paper for all my prints! Getting my prep on for APE con!!!

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getting the hang of the mobile sketchbook w/o a stylus. w.i.t.c.h. aka Princess Elyon 'Light of Meridian'

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