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These guardian angels are sweeping in!

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Struck by sensual sweeping landscapes, new from Sarah Pye

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Making Angels in the snow is usually rather fun, Unless they're Weeping Angels then it's probably best to run! (WF13)

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shinichi murayama shows sweeping nude photography at bruce silverstein gallery until jan 14 http://t.co/0wnpF8U8e4

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shinichi murayama's sweeping nude photography is @ bruce silverstein gallery, NY thru 14 Jan http://t.co/0wnpF8U8e4

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Chi: *stands in the rain weeping*

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It's Denzel's eye weeping over a lake - referenced from a pretty cool surreal pic - catch up

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That I in nameless weeping above your face may bend/And on your lips forever my burning kisses spend

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