画質 高画質

My boyfriend likes to dance with my cat and it's the most heart-melting thing I've ever seen.#GIF

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heart-stealer PCY❤️#fanart

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New artwork for sale! - "Heart-Unicorn-Drawing" - http://t.co/hBJdw0yQQC

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New artwork for sale! - "Heart-Unicorn-Drawing" - http://t.co/hBJdw0yQQC

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There was this heart-of-the-world forest-dryad Nissa skin I thought would be cool

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My most precious is of heart-wrenching images I grew up with since the age of 6, solidifying my LIFE as a vegan.

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明日のコミ1,新刊とB1タペストリー出します(;´Д`)ノ あ-18・HEART-WORKです、よろしくおねがいします~(>_<)

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Just had a heart-pounding experience in my own game. That's rare!
So another and I'm done!

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【9/1・こみトレ ア-11ab HEART-WORK】情報遅くてすみません(;´Д`)頒布物は夏の新刊セット¥1000-と、コミトレ用に新規で夏新刊の絵の色違い版B2タペ¥3000-を用意しました!あとRTした橋本くんの委託です~!

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A sketch of an airport loiterer with (as a friend pointed out last night) mysterious black heart-shaped lady bits

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Lyra Heart-Strings. Geddit? Geddit?
*slaps knee*
I am so funny sometimes. *awkward laugh*

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Wind -a breath of heart-Re:gratitude | http://t.co/rhs8WVFHWR

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"I See a Future" by , an artist from Solo. As he said of his works, "A heart-telling visualization".

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The fact that FMA Brotherhood can be heart-wrenching and still have moments like this is why it is so freaking great.

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