画質 高画質

(1/3) After watching a million recommended "Dbh as vines" videos, I got the idea for this comic with some based on one of the vines lmao
I was debating on animating this but I felt it worked better as a comic hope yall enjoy my dumbass idea lol

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Unshaven detective
I wanted to draw it like that

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На днях я прочитала "Пальцы в потали" замечательного автора

Саймон в золотых разводах никак не хотел выходить из моей головы, и так отчётливо я представляла эту картинку, что не удержалась :D

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Опять забыла, что сюда надо и свои работы постить
По этому тред с моими рисунками✌🏻

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I keep forgetting to post my art here but here's some pride art I did with and :>

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A bit of Connor/Gavin for a friend’s belated birthday/mother’s day present ;3 Gavin’s a bottom and we all know it.
Full nsfw version on pillowfort: https://t.co/s6Ljojljkp

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Decided to throw this art on here. I did this in April for Spiderwebsitar and their fic, Rivers and Roads on Ao3.

“I’m trying to tell you I didn’t come back for my gun you asshole, I came back for you.”

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Day 21/25. Helpers & Hugs
RUS version.
Если бы эти двое персонажей встретились и история повернулась иначе? Если бы Коннор оказал поддержку в самом переломном моменте его жизни?..

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Day 21/25. Helpers & Hugs
If these two characters met and the story turned differently? If Connor had supported in the most crucial moment of Sephiroth's life?...

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Detroit become human - to be continued meme
The android with red in his eyes is my Oc Spencer

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I'm usually too shy to post this kind of drawings but oh well, this one is for you guys 😳❤

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sometimes we just need more Kamski

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