画質 高画質

The trend going around right now is kool, so I thought I would join in! These 4 are games I played the most(or still play their series), enjoyed, or have influenced my creative career in some way.

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J’ai grandi avec des jeux DS héhé !

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This was pretty easy
Old school only tho

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Myst, 1993
Super Metroid, 1994
Goldeneye 007, 1997
Halo: Combat Evolved, 2001

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This was honestly really tough and I wish I could fit more, but here is my

Between the stories, tears, and memories in all 4, these were such an important part of my childhood and life, and I will cherish what these games have done for me always.

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These are the games that have, somehow, changed me.

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My ! It was hard to narrow down, but I chose games that influenced me the most as a kid. These influenced my art style, character design and story ideas from childhood/teen years and onward.

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not necessarily my favourites of all time but the ones that had the most profound and inspiring effect on me

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Присоединюсь к
Важных для меня игр сильно больше, но именно эти оказали сильное влияние в подростковом возрасте и показали мне, что игры - это нечто большее, чем бездумное закликивание мобов.
Хм, да они все японские и от - никогда не думал об этом.

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Welp, why not do a trend for once. My 4 most influental anime.

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before disgaea and Splatoon took over my life, there were others...

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This is an impossible task. PSO, FFXI, and FFCC are forever my all-time favorites. It's impossible for me to pick a 4th though, so there's a bunch that mean a lot to me. All these games made my imagination run wild, and inspired me to pursue my own creativity!

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