画質 高画質

Today's painting based on the x-ray image of (Amsterdam version)

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Route de Revel yesterday feels like winters passing - .Saunders waterford (high white)

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Daffodil sprout. Experimenting, playing. Loving charcoal + watercolor again.

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Blue Mountain Flowers. Not sure I like painting w/ purple much. It's so flowery. (Laughing at self.)

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Drawdiary-not for budging-we all want to be warm and dry

13 16

Edelweiss. Dreaming of seeing the Alps w/ Andy one day. Thanks for a great month

12 23

A sketch idea for a painting. A burmese sitting on a kettle. :-)

12 25

50mins pencil & wash preparatory sketch1 of my brother Jon, towards painting 23/1/14

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45mins pencil & wash of my daughter Poppy. another experiment with colour 22/1/14

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21st. Re-posting this. Tweaked some areas & had more light for this pic.

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