画質 高画質

Hello, im started art digi at november 2020😭, before art digi selama ini cuma gambar di kertas dan banyak yang hilang sih soalnya itu cuma sampingan

So this is my art🥺🥺

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Os deseamos un futuro cargado de
Ya con el estreno pendiente de en cines.🦋
¡El Mejor Regalo!🎁

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Dear para artist,
Hidup jadi artist itu emang gk gampang, banyak naik dan turunnya. Tapi, HEY! WE MAKE IT THIS FAR!! Ayo kita sama sama terus perjuangin passion kita di bidang ini♡

And here are my improvement from 1st digi art (2k19 des) to latest digi art and some of my fave!

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ini bberapa karya favoritku di taun ini! ini jg jadi taun pertamaku terjun ke dunia digi. sejauh ini aku ngerasa bangga sm impruvku sendiri, dan aku yakin taun dpn aku akan lebih hebat dari taun ini.
utk semua yg baca, semangat guys! kita pasti bisa jd lebih hebat dari taun ini✨

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ini sih,, krn pertama kali gambar awan di digi, suka bgt hasilnya 🥺

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karyaku! gambaran adekk umur 10th, ini pertama kali dia bikin digi art. dia sampe seneng bgt pas tau gambarnya mau aku upload di twt :::"((

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sooo... i decided to make a team featuring the newest digi-dude, :3

oh~! there's also an original digimon here too (Duomon)~!!

special thanks to a friend for letting me borrow their original digi-twins :3

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This! Because it’s my first Digi in Ibis paint and also I love the result.

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Found all the needed furs and materials for Kate! Now I just need to figure out how much I would need for each material! Planning on doing slim digi and a tail that drags the floor a little 🥰 still unsure of how I'll do her hair though!

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Gomamon forever! Totally why he's my digi-sona <3

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Yas congrats on 1k u deserve it and a lot more 💖 anyway hewo im nego and I recently hit 200 followers >< I do both tradi and digi art but recently I’ve been experimenting more with digital. I love supporting fellow artists and I can’t wait to meet a lot more amazing artists UwU

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hello im boggie!!! i havent drawn an awful lot of personal work this hell year but congrats to every other neurodivergent person whos managed to make anything at all!! i like trad/digi painting and drawing my xiv chara too much. +adhd i forgot that hashtag day

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Pengen deh punya skintone pallete yang desaturated 😭 udh nyoba bikin desaturated malah terlalu abu abu banget :>

Sebulan lebih gk gambar digi.. tanganku kek kaku banget woi 🙃🙃🙃

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first digi - recent digi
tradi ku blm impruv jadi digi ajah👌🏻

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je sais pas pour le tradi mais en digi sur clip je fais des traits de couleurs nuancées de la fourrure avec un encadrement noir puis j'utilise l'outil "bout de doigt" pour passer dessus perpendiculairement, ça donne de la fourrure floof comme ça:

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Digi (left) or Canvas (right)?

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2 digi/poke fusions i did a while ago ! Wanted to do more but i ran outta steam =w= maybe some lther time ! For now heres blackgatomon x shiny umbreon and a patamon x pichu !!

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