画質 高画質

JESSE: I ****in' love school!
What? Since when? In today's Street Angel https://t.co/FEdtGMe5YL

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Just a fast doodle xD

Yay tomorrow back to school!


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finished assignment for school!! throws my leg into the air

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idr if i ever showed this but a self portrait i did for school! it features me and on an adventure!!

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恐れ多くも参加させて頂きました、こぞめさん主催のイラスト本 " I'm in a 部 at school! " がお手元に届きました〜〜;;;そして素敵な守沢と高峯の手描きイラストも添付してくださってもう最高に幸せ…可"愛"い"

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So got funded (CONGRATS GUYS!!) and I made some fanart for it because I loved the prototype at school!

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Last day of school!!!!!(^~^)

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Lets try this again. A scribble artschool!Kylo

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im gettin so much art out since ive been out of school! im so happy, plz let me knw what you think of the comicpages

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Last week of school! Here's a look back at our year in art history, starting with

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My pieces for the art auction at my school!! Hoping someone will buy them so the $$ goes to charity!

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Happy late Birthday !!
i miss lingro haha;;; finally finished it pff
ganba with school!! fight hard \o/

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brilliant time illustrating with the children from the brow primary school!

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There's still time to enter our Logo Contest for the BAP TOWN School! Your logo will represent the cause. Info.👇

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3 and 1/2 weeks left of school! Charge through the layouts, woohoo! https://t.co/T4DdOQSIi7

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"She goes to this school!?" Making a lot more progress with I'm pushing for an April release.

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Project by
Day 057 - Cute lamb at school!

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First big personal piece after getting my computer back. So great to work on what I like outside of work and school!

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