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See the video of me drawing this cartoon on my blog https://t.co/NeAW86tGrp - 1st time I've drawn Bernie Sanders!

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Artist Beau Bernier Frank creates striking portrait series fused with scenic landscapes https://t.co/5kNKM8rFCM

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Sometimes I see things. This image was front and center as I awoke this AM

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It's official is endorsing This will be my last political post (maybe).

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has a stronghold over the best artists in the comics industry. Stop this madness

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I drew how I portray Bernie Sanders... old weak turtle. Promising free stuff, with no accountability.

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Here he is! My finished portrait of America's lefty politician, Bernie Sanders for the NewStatesman

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I want Bernie as my running mate. When things don't go my way he can pop out and shout some sense into people.

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Another illustration project for an editorial piece about bernie sander's current campaign.

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"The Thing" by Bernie Wrightson & Scott Hampton

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A cartoon of mine I modified - originally called "Benghazi Hysterics"

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