画質 高画質

🌸19:00 선판매 품절상품 긴급입고🌸
3월 4일 까지 공식 이랜드몰 일부 선판매
남은 컬렉션은 더 준비된 모습으로 찾아뵙겠습니다

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Uff normalmente los domingos son el día mas ocupado que tengo pero no fue impedimento para terminar el dibujo del día 3 del yay

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Ok Fandom bonito y sensual <3 Les quiero compartir mi versión de Syaoran uwu
En fin, eso es todo. ¡Disfruten su Domingo! 🤩

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선판매 봉인해제-🌸
전세계에 단 500개 한정판 에디션 봉인팩
3월 4일 00시 공식 이랜드몰 에서 봉인팩과
벚꽃무드 가득한 컬렉션을 선공개

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Sorry for not posting as much just be busy sketch thing
on what I want for my artist ally.
Here is a design I be doing for hand made pins and as well the be stickers as well and made charms as well we see soon lol.
🚫No Copy & Trace

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stickers commissioned by a lovely lady who wants these at !

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Tried something with watercolors the other day. I sure do love my magical girls ✨💖 ✨

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03.04 오에스티X카드캡터체리 콜라보 출시🌸
03.04 이랜드몰 봉인팩 등 단하루 선 판매,
눈부시게 반짝일 당신의 일상을 봉인해제୧( “̮ )୨--🌸

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something for my instagram followers ! 🎉

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호에마켓 이벤트로 받은 사쿠라 뱃지💕
어쩜 딱 제가 제일 좋아하는 의상 입고 있는 사쿠라를 보내주셨는지, 감동이에용😭🤭🤭🥰🥰 카캡사 덕후인지라 호에마켓 자주 이용할 듯 해영😆😆

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Such an honor to work for our president (A.K.A. Brandon) with this <3 if you are also interested you can send DM nwn info is totally free uwu

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