画質 高画質

this is what touken ranbu is about right

206 145

crossover kantai_collection murakumo_(kancolle) pantyhose ryouryou sword touken_ranbu [120…

1 5

i honestly know nothing about touken ranbu aside from the fact that this guy is incredibly attractive

160 321

@toukenTL  お疲れ様でした。(加州清光)

0 28

Touken ranbu parody : Tolkien ranbu

3 3

I've been in touken ranbu hell lately. drew myself as saniwa sage, the player character! female hakamas are nice * v*

3 8

hmmmm Kashuu or Kunihiro .....that's the question for the next 2 days..

1 22

Izumi no kanesada is love, Izumi no kanesada is laifu <3

0 1

Ma bebe
kunihiro kun Touken Ranbu

1 2

Touken Ranbu first doodle: Kashuu Kiyomitsu uwooooo

こいつ、可愛い可愛いって良く言ってちょっとうざいけどいつもMVP取ってるからお気に入りの剣になりました (・∀・)

0 0

. . .so i just started playing touken ranbu w _(:3 」∠)_

2 2

@toukenTL 岩融さん子どもの相手上手そう

1 45