画質 高画質

a cereal creature, they wheat-cereal with sugared berries. They drool milk. Originally designed by HesheStar on DA, I made a few adjustments! ^^

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🌌Commissions are HERE!!🌌

Basic info in the pictures and some additional stuff in thread. Please DM me or email sugaredtorus.com if you have any questions!

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We strained a little of our classic Snake Oil blend (deep, rich earthy notes swirled with vegetal musks, sugared vanilla bean, and dark spices) through the candy bag, resulting in these fun DANGERNOODLE scents. The label art by Drew Rausch is a scream! https://t.co/e83DN97zJr

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Yn yfory? Ewch draw i'n siop i fwynhau gweithgareddau crefft, garddio a mwy rhwng 10:30 a 1:30. Addas i bob oedran!

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Server icon for dnsd

Not a commission because i didnt get paid //glares. but someone sugared me nitro afterwards lmao

Can't upload any other images with a gif, ew

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2019.10.06開催のJGARDEN47に出す新刊です🌷Cホールと22a[いつもまいにち+]にてA5 / 84P / ¥700 / 全年齢 / 死ネタ(幽霊ネタ?)亡くなった恋人を想う社会人の話。宜しくお願いします…!

9 11

🌿🦋🍃byddwch yn garedig i bopeth o’ch amgylch🍃🦋🌿be kind to everything around you🌿🦋🍃

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-Red for Arkady's killer name
-Orange for skin tight coat probably covered in blood at all times.
-yellow for greasy unwashed skin. Green for dinosaur skin texture while he flies with

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Goemon - Sugared Cinnamon Apple

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🍒🐱EZ- Cherry Desserts🐱🍒
200g Cream
250g Curd-cheese
50g Sugar and
some Vanilla Extract; all whisked,
Small Glass of Sour Cherries,
Sugared Almonds to taste
(Or just roast them in a spoonful of butter and sugar on low heat!)

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Omega red was one of my favorite 90s Jim Lee creations. Those tentacles are just nuts. I created this in adobe illustrator on a Wacom Cintiq.

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Are Hansel & Gretel safer in the forest than their bombed out village? A sugared, spooky retelling reviewed by Varooom that combines witty text from Simon Armitage + Clive Hicks-Jenkins' memorable dark images. See https://t.co/lP0heYXQHz

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明日のコミティアのお品書きです せ28b"SUGARED MIND"を宜しくお願いします

13 41

【告知】8/25のCOMITIA129にて新刊「メイカさんは押し殺せない。2」を頒布予定です。自分の気持ちを押し殺せていないメイドさん漫画の2冊目です。内容的にはtwitterにアップした漫画1本+2本+αという感じで、B5版28p500円(予定)、スペースは"す28b"「SUGARED MIND」です。宜しくお願いします。

56 200

To all these new followers coming out of the blue:

Hi, my name is Perry and I draw super duper bishie fuck-boys and sometimes girls. My friends deem me a bottom and I'm finally accepting it while casually sipping my room temp, overly sugared coffee.

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Mynnwch eich Cerdlun – dyma gyfle prin i brynu gwaith celf gwreiddol ar gerdyn post wedi eu creu gan un o’n artistiaid blaena’. Mae 92 tocyn ar gael [1 Tocyn @£30 = 1 Cerdlun] a’r arian yn mynd tuag at weithgareddau’r Lle Celf 2019. Gwelwch https://t.co/uA1ruyyebm

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