I have had this dumb pun in my head for months now and finally put it on paper so please forgive me but...

Everyone, give me your Ina-ji!

3 10

[Великий коллаб]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: chen🧋

1 15

[Амогус арка страха]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: Tertow

1 12

["У тебя есть дом?"]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: Bpa Art Work

3 19

[Я отмотаю время ради тебя!]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: Tapwatre

3 24

[Так кого ты выберешь?😋

🦉< (Упс!)]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: FongBan🍻風杯

1 5

[Нам нужны каменные кирпичи!!!]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: Dat

2 10

[Потерял свою сову?]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: Vinty

3 22

["Это то что тебе нужно"]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: 園丁

2 18

["Горько-сладкий подарок, которым мы можем лишь дорожить."]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: Yin

1 3

New updates on the game I'm working on!!
There is now a Discord Server about the game, and there are also new important fixes so, if you're interested, check them out here:

7 60

[Налог на Сенпаев и Налог на Кохаев...]

Russian translation: Meltysat
Original author: Dat

2 51