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2020.12.13 퇴근송 / If The World Was Ending (feat Julia Michaels) - JP Saxe (@jpsaxe)
Sweet Song of the Year
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #jpsaxe #iftheworldwasending #sweetsong #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.11 퇴근송 / Boogie On Reggae Woman - Stevie Wonder (@StevieWonder)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #steviewonder #boogieonreggaewoman #harmonica #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.8 퇴근송 / Overwhelmed - Royal & The Serpent (@royalandtheserp)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #royalandtheserpent #overwhelmed #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.7 퇴근송 / Cinema Paradiso(Love Theme) - Pat Metheny (@PatMetheny)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #patmetheny #charliehaden #cinemaparadiso #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.2 퇴근송 / Uprising - Muse
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
message 🤘🏻
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #muse #uprising #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.1 퇴근송 / Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma Faith (@Palomafaith)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #김신영의음악캠프 #mbcfm4u패밀리데이 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #palomafaith #onlylovecanhurtlikethis #scribbling #illustration
2020.11.27 퇴근송 / Cheek To Cheek - Louis Armstrong
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #louisarmstrong #cheektocheek #trumpet #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.11.23 퇴근송 / Honey - Robyn (@robynkonichiwa)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #그리고우린춤을추었다 #andthenwedanced #robyn #honey #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.11.22 퇴근송 / Life On Mars? - David Bowie (@DavidBowieReal)
배캠이 사랑한 아티스트 4위, David Bowie
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배캠이사랑한아티스트 #davidbowie #lifeonmars #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.11.19 퇴근송 / American Pie - Don McLean
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #donmclean #americanpie #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.11.13 퇴근송 / She Works Hard For The Money - Donna Summer
🥸 He works hard for the money 💦
So hard for it, honey
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #donnasummer #sheworkshardforthemoney #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.11.8 퇴근송 / We All Fall In Love Sometimes - Elton John (@eltonofficial)
배캠이 사랑한 아티스트 10위, Elton John
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배캠이사랑한아티스트 #eltonjohn #weallfallinlovesometimes #scribbling #illustration
2020.11.6 퇴근송 / Rain - Uriah Heep
지난 일요일, 11월 시작과 함께 ‘노벰버 레인’이 내렸다.
비가 잦아들길 기다리며 미술관 안에서 한참 동안 창밖 구경.
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #rain #uriahheep #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.11.1 퇴근송 / You Can't Always Get What You Want (Mono) - The Rolling Stones (@RollingStones)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배캠이사랑한아티스트 #therollingstones #mickjagger #youcantalwaysgetwhatyouwant #illustration
2020.10.29 퇴근송 / Son Of A Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #dustyspringfield #sonofapreacherman #pulpfiction #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.10.27 퇴근송 / Moon - The Lemon Twigs (@thelemontwigs)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #thelemontwigs #moon #briandaddario #michaeldaddario #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.10.26 퇴근송 / The Lost Song - The Cat Empire (@thecatempire)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #babyteeth #thecatempire #thelostsong #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.10.23 퇴근송 / Bullet With Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins (@SmashingPumpkin)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #smashingpumpkins #bulletwithbutterflywings #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.10.22 퇴근송 / I've Been Away Too Long (Remastered 2003) - George Baker Selection
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #georgebakerselection #ivebeenawaytoolong #oldpop #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.10.21 퇴근송 / #9 Dream (Ultimate Mix) - John Lennon (@johnlennon)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #johnlennon #9dream #scribbling #drawing #illustration