🍁 메이플스토리 팬텀아리 솜인형(20cm) 수요조사폼 🍁
📅 2022.08.26-2022.08.28

수요조사와 수정사항들 전달후에 바로 입금폼 예정이오니 구매하실분들은 꼭 트위터 아이디 기재 부탁드립니다.


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오디움 다녀간 기념으로 기여운 사도 카링으로 호다닥..!

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메이플 팬텀아리 솜인형 공구 계정입니다.
소량공구(최대 50체) 예정이며, 수요조사는 샘플 도착 후 진행예정입니다!

(도안 : 님)

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I also wanted to make another specifically one for Comic Maplestory (코믹 메이플스토리). I also think they're just neat.🍁

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플스슾 엠제이 너무 좋앗어 난,,

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"Contractually obligated to protect the princess." 🐲
"계약상된 공주의 보호자."🐲

NOTE: My Korean translations aren't the best. My apologies.

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Summer Time!☀️🍧

Characters are from Taiwan Maplestory's original job, Mo-Xuan(墨玄), and Xiao-Xiao(小小), the female character in Mo-Xuan's story.

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Some throwbacks here.
I can say that I am happy with these Comic MapleStory drawings. 🍁✨

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플스슾 DLC 블랙캣 에피소드 비하인드가 (첫만남~dlc~이후까지의 스토리로 구성) 코믹스로 있답니다
[Marvel's spider-man: the black cat strikes]

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Unpopular opinion: I am not a big fan of post volume 14 of Comic MapleStory (코믹 메이플스토리) series, but I think I would've liked Horntail if he was drawn as a chibi like everyone else.

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