<3737> 2부 업데이트 기념 RT이벤트입니다! 추첨으로 기프티콘 보내드려요.
만화는 이쪽>
+실수로 재업합니다ㅠㅠ잉

288 57

다 메디방 폰그림~
순서는 2017>2018>2019>2019 !!!

이힣히 막 쩔지는 않은데 모아놓으니까 뿌듯하구만 (18년도랑 19년도는 구오너 현오너네ㅔ))

13 51

<3737> 2부 1화를 포스타입에 업데이트 했습니다


91 81



0 4

Since I have not been drawing much lately here is some of my old stuff because why not...
They are from 2018>2017>2016>2014

My style has changed a lot but I have experimented with different things too over the years

0 4

Time has past by so quickly, and oh boi did i have to redraw this one, 3 different styles, in the past 4 years, wow time is going by😕

3 20

2017>2020인데...같은 캐릭터인데 이렇게 보니까 그림 많이 바뀐거같기도 하네요 8ㅇ8

0 3

tracking the evolution of some of my very hair-centric drawings through the years (2016>2017>2019>2020)

3441 14756

Old art 😂 my coloring over the years
2017>2018>early 2019>mid 2019
no full color for late 2019 and 2020 yet 😂 I'm passionate about being lazy it seems (+_+)

1 2

Since I have not been feeling well past few days I have not been drawing at all... So I decided I will share some of my old works with fairies.
They are from 2017>2015>2014>2013
I guess it would be fun to redraw some of them!

0 1

being my model since forever ;D💕

3 7

My birthday is coming up >7>
So i'm writing a wishlist since no one knows what i actually like XD My birthday is Feb 19 👀 I'll be 21!

5 10

<스파인 연습 7>
저번에 제대로 못잡아서 따로놀며 죄다 하나하나씩 위치를 수정했던 팔-손가락 본을 제대로 자식 설정해줘서... 그나마 편하게...

0 25

2016>2017>2020 😳

Flonnes along the years

33 115

我也想玩 讓我跟🥺

然後就都畫不出來了 逐年沒耐心仔👌

4 45

요즘은 손그림밖에 못그려서ㅠ

0 1

Guess I’ll just keep redrawing stuff 🤷🏽‍♀️

Jan 29, 2020
May 1, 2015 >>
Jan 12, 2017>>

0 2


...ah. There are lots of change than I previously thought.

22 90


9 58