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Just your local singstress, bar owner, back alley guardian warrior. Yanno, gal things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yanno, when you told me abt this, I should’ve seen the tag coming 😅
I do art + lettering so here’s both! Last one’s a WIP for buttons/stickers
@alphabettacarp help me w small art accounts to tag, idk enough of them yet https://t.co/S02NwVvsoX
@alphabettacarp @artwmarc @pad_xy @titsay @popcorncheek @shutinyouth @VLLYSSV @japkeykarts @hihiroto_kun @umeimeii @letsirjohn_ Yanno, when you told me abt this I should’ve seen the tag coming 😅
I tried to do a balance of art and lettering. Last one’s a WIP of pronoun button/stickers!
@alphabettacarp help me out w who to tag next, idk enough small art accounts yet
Buon compleanno, Bluebell !!
@DaveRapoza @spankzilla85 You should watch Aoi Honō (アオイホノオ, lit. "Blue Blazes"), the Japanese fictionalized coming-of-age series about Kazuhiko Shimamoto's accont of his time as a student at the Osaka University of Arts, which he attended alongside Hideaki Anno, Hiroyuki Yamaga, and Takami Akai.
🆕 Psycho-Pass [Original Soundtracks 1 & 2] by Yugo Kanno, are now available on @Spotify
➡ Links : https://t.co/Uv4tsc5cJr
▶ Playlist : https://t.co/Bowz8IkWEz
✨Buon compleanno, Giorno! ✨🎉
Happy birthday to our favorite gang-star! 💫💨
#jjba #ventoaureo #giornogiovanna #giogio #giornoweek2020 #ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ誕生祭2020 #JOJOsBizzareAdventure
Buon Compleanno, Giorno Giovanna! ☀️🐞
Small collab w @_____SMASH! Thanks for helping out on this concept! 💓
#giornoweek2020 #jjba #jjbafanart #ventoaureo #ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 #黄金の風 #ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ誕生祭2020
Buon Compleanno, Giorno!
#giomis #misgio #goflyakiteday
Hello #PortfolioDay!
I'm Madeline Buanno, a concept and game artist at LittleSeed where I work on some awesome healthcare games.
But my personal work is much different, I love working on spooky illustrations and games!
#Nadia, le secret de l'eau bleue, réalisée par #HideakiAnno, célèbre aujourd'hui ses 30 ans!!!
Cette série culte du studio #Gainax est une formidable épopée SF, qui mêle avec brio aventures et questionnements existentiels. Une oeuvre majeure à redécouvrir de toute urgence! ❤️
I did these cool drawings!!
They somehow feel like the drawings i used to make when i was in highschool.
The little bunny boy is Anno, the r*pe face cat is Edgardo
So, it's been 2 months since I posted my last drawing lma0. Anyway here is #RivalsofAether's Ranno, the poisonous pacifist (btw this was super fun to do).
“A Parigi invece tutti sanno dov’è la tomba della Signora delle Camelie,e ogni giornale al mondo se ne occupa almeno due volte all’anno, però nessuno pare in grado di indicare dov’è sepolto Marcel Proust.E per questo mi ero messo in mente di visitare quel sepolcro dimenticato”
Buon Compleanno, Leone Abbacchio.
#jjba #jjbafanart #レオーネ・アバッキオ
#アバッキオ生誕祭 #abbacchio #AbbacchioWeek2020
🎼Ottorino Respighi(1879-1936)
🎵Van li effluvi de le rose
Spiran l'acque a i solitari lidi;vanno,
van li effluvî de le rose da i verzieri,
van le note de l'amore
lungi e le meteore.
✍️Gabriele d'Annunzio(1863-1938)
🎨Alaya Gadeh
Coronavirus: morto a Bergamo un operatore del 118, aveva 47 anni
Un'altra vittima nei soccorritori .
Ogni giorno rischiano la vita per curare e cercare di salvare gli ammalati di questa maledetta epidemia .Ogni giorno vengono contagiati.Lo sanno, ma continuano a lottare per noi .
#iorestoacasa papà...e mi dispiace da morire non poterti abbracciare e baciare e stringere a me oggi, nel giorno del tuo compleanno, pochi km ci separano...ma il mio cuore è con il tuo❤
Auguri papà 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
#13marzo #CasaLettori