Pretty big style shift happened in the last couple of months... Hope y'all don't mind it too much... (I'm quite happy with it though)

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Progression Series! I wanted to draw her with "The House of El Crest", but I wanted her to give it her own spin, since that seemed to be the Peej way of doing things. So instead of a red S on yellow background it's a yellow S on a red background!

9 49

Definitely getting comfortable drawing and coloring this way. Looking forward to taking it further...(actually excited about drawing again)

10 67

Progression Series! I'm *really* enjoying the shift back to comic-style drawing. I finally figured out how to color it too! Who knew that "coloring it exactly as I've been coloring everything" would work so well? It's almost too convenient.

8 67

Progression Series! No flats this time. I just went from black and white to "painted".

11 47

Progression Series! One thing I like about coloring Jubes pictures is they really let me blast all the colors. She's definitely not one for an unsaturated palette!

8 63

Progression Series! Hopefully Jubes will have a really good month this month!

6 35

Progression Series! This was the first picture of PG I started (the second one I finished -- hey, its comics. Continuity is stupid) . I like to do something basic for the first "Girl of the Month" pic. Helps me establish how to draw her body, face, etc.

8 43

Progression Series! This is supposed to be based on a costume Mileena wore in some previous MK game but I'm not sure which one.

11 54

If I'm one of the characters inside game, this is definitely best described me irl Mwehehehe 🤣

3 9

Progression Series! She fills out this outfit pretty well...#Korra

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Not the first time Goemon and Ebisumaru have showed up...

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