Funny how something that you think is really modern is in fact really old. Futurism was launched in le Figaro this day in 1909. Check out Dynamism of a Soccer Player by Umberto Boccioni. https//

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🎨"La città che sale"
è uno dei dipinti più importanti mai realizzati da🖌 Umberto

E' un’opera compiuta nel 1910 prodotta con la tecnica dell’olio su tela.

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Boccioni: ritratto della madre

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Despite them being fascists, the Italian futurist movement, which developed as a response to cubism, produced some of my favorite art, specifically the work of Umberto Boccioni. I became fascinated with the way he depicted movement and speed in painting.

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Italian painter and sculptor Umberto Boccioni was born on this date in 1882. This is "States of Mind I: The Farewells."

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 이탈리아의 화가이며 조각가, 이론가 『움베르토 보치오니(Umberto Boccioni)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1882.10.19 - 1916.08.17
● Artist CV:

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States of Mind I: The Farewells
Umberto Boccioni

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Umberto Boccioni was an Italian painter and sculptor, and one of the principal figures in the Futurism movement.

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Umberto Boccioni was an Italian painter and sculptor, and one of the principal figures in the Futurism movement.

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Umberto Boccioni was an Italian painter and sculptor, and one of the principal figures in the Futurism movement.

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Umberto Boccioni - Dynamism of a Soccer Player - Oil on canvas

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Lei sbocciò per lui come un fiore.
E l’incarnazione divenne completa.

- Dal film "Il Grande Gatsby" -

Tratto dall'omonimo romanzo
di Francis Scott Fitzgerald 

🎨 Anna Bocek

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E la ragazza chiese
"cosa si prova
quando si guarda
la persona che si ama?"
E il saggio rispose:
"È come
se dalle tue macerie,
e dalle tue paure
nascoste dentro l'anima,
sbocciassero fiori.
Perché ogni volta
che la guardi è come
fosse sempre primavera.

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Umberto Modern Idol, 1911.

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Umberto Boccioni

La brughiera "Moorland" (1908).

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Dynamism of a Soccer Player
Umberto Boccioni

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Ti porto come una ferita
sulla fronte che non si rimargina.
Non sempre duole. E il cuore
non ne muore dissanguato e
del sangue in bocca.

Gottfried Benn (Madre)

Umberto Boccioni

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Il 19 ottobre 1882 nasceva Umberto Boccioni.. puro..

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