'makestar' outfits really remind me of aot so here's jongup...from attack on babyz (using matoki as sword)😂

321 286

Danke an für diese wunderschöne Babyzeichnung von mir! <3

5 45

[❤️] Thank you for this special gift to share to BABYz! What an adorable post card! Happy Holidays everyone. Use as u like 🎄🎁💝

61 98

¡¡¡¡Vamos babyz!!!! Yo se que podemos~

5 1

[IG] 160911 Zelo's IG Update
[ZL, JU, & HC wants babyz to ❤️ the video on IG]
---> https://t.co/dfwqfunrim

31 19

(Roar ~big mouth babyz ) my little 🐯🐯 🤗🤗 you just a lovely tigerㅎㅎㅎ
And a fox?...😂


41 28

แจก ตกต babyzhou ถ้ายอดพรีถึงจำนวนที่ทำได้แจก 1 ตัวค่ะแค่รีทวิตนี้ ยอดถึงเมื่อไหร่ประกาศผลค่ะ

69 12

[#GIF] I'm sleepy,but I need to say that my love for this group,for Babyz and for this account is eternal.

60 87

🎁 Merry X'mas 🎉 SANTA Z 🎅 delivers presents to all BABYz. ~ HO HO HO 🎄🎄

106 26

Daehyun is number 1 right? It's soooo easy and quick to vote! Let's work hard Babyz! :D


173 87

150729 Lovely cow boy 👬👬👬👦❤ Plz like my post in my ins (yubabyzi )ㅜㅜ 👐

1 0

Look out, Lincoln Logs & Legos... Babyzilla is coming.

0 0

Here. Its cute because tim said that it couldnt be made pretty. i showed him. its the grey babyz

0 1

[ ★ ] Babyzelo ♥ Babyjongup : แอดรักเด็กค่ะ 💓

85 40