Sugar Belle: I think that the Floof Tree will

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Sugar Belle: Good morning Big Mac

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Sugar Belle: Let's go home Big Mac

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Sugar Belle: Alright, we'll be in a floofy cocoon tomorrow and we'll be there for a few days

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Sugar Belle: How about tomorrow?

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Sugar Belle: When shall we do it?

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Sugar Belle: Maybe we can be in the same one together

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Sugar Belle: And the Floof Tree is amazing. I want to be one of those cocoons someday

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Sugar Belle: And the Fluttertree looks beautiful

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Sugar Belle: I'm sure Applejack and Apple Bloom are happy too

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Sugar Belle: I love you Big Mac. I'm so happy to be a part of the Apple family

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Sugar Belle: Awwwwww Big Mac, you are making me blush. ☺

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Sugar Belle: Awwwwww, thanks Big Mac

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Sugar Belle: The design of the cocoon looks gorgeous

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*They then look at the orange floofy cocoon that's decorated with red apples*

Sugar Belle: I hope Applejack is sleeping peacefully*

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Sugar Belle: She would fit right in with the farm

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Sugar Belle: When we bring her back to the farm, I wouldn't mind having her still be covered in moss

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