Thank you, Technoblade, for all the joy you brought to millions of people. Rest well, king.

2 9

Rest in peace Technoblade, you'll be missed

0 3

Quite recently, the amazing person who gave joy to so many people, Technoblade, has passed away. Be strong friends, it seems to me that he would like us to smile and remember only good things about him.
Fuck cancer
Technoblade never dies💥

0 6

I haven't post any art in a very long time, but I return just for this time. One last MCYT fanart for a very special Youtuber. Rest in peace Technoblade, you are a real one.

10 114

Thank you Technoblade, may you rest in peace.

5 64

I am heartbroken. Technoblade helped me feel excited and hopeful about the world around me. He taught me about laughter, Sun Tzu, Greek mythology and how to be a playful sport. Technoblade, with his jokes and humor, taught me to laugh at myself and the world. For many years (1/3)

216 2118

In memory of Technoblade, I made my little wolf dressed up as him. I may not know him,but he was a inspiration to many. May he rest in the beautiful afterlife. Long live the king 😇🙏

4 17

Guin Seitengrat

The coddled son of a Rabanastran courtesan who has recently set his heart on becoming a renowned adventurer by way of joining the hunters of the Clan Jambiya. Behind his sweet face is a competitive streak and a surprising skill with the blade,

0 2

Technoblade, we will always hold our memories of him close to our hearts, May he MLG and flex on god in heaven
Rest in peace blood god.

0 11

You are the best technoblade, in any of our hearts. All the love to you, your family and everyone who is hurt. I hope your 1v1 with god is pulling out because when I got up there I expect to see you up there on that gold throne.

15 137

This doesn’t feel like enough for what you’ve done for me, but I know nothing ever will.

GG Technoblade, thank you for everything. May you Rest In Peace.

40 566

when i got pokemon shield i named my cinderace "aceblade" because of technoblade, im going to miss him

2 12

My final goodbye and not the last Thank you Technoblade, for memories I’ll cherish for an eternal

4 16

RIP Technoblade,
Techno was an amazing and funny person who insipred alot of people to make content,
"Technoblade never dies", its true, he will never die beacuse he will always be in our hearts and his legacy will forever live on. Thanks to him for everything he have done.

0 3

I have heard about the passing of Technoblade, who happened to be one of my favorite Youtubers of all time. He always made me laugh no matter what and he cared a lot for his community. And now he has moved on to take over heaven. Technoblade never dies.
Good Game

0 5

Thank you Technoblade, for including me to this amazing community and motivating me to improve my art
May you win your fight with the big guy in the skies, we are all rooting for ya <3
Technoblade never dies!!

0 11

After hearing news of Technoblade, I was heart broken as he was one of my favorite content creators to watch. I wish for the best to all his friends and family 🎗🐷❤️

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In honour of Technoblade, may he rest In peace.

You were a legend and an inspiration to all, stay safe in the beyond.

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Thank you for everything Technoblade, you helped me as many as others in difficult times, thank you for the laughs and for your amazing content, hope youre in a better place and find peace ❤️

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