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This is a must-read for Middle Graders keen on action, adventure, and Arthurian stories!

The Search for the Stone of Excalibur by ".

mythology myths legends action adventure Arthurian
histfic teen YA MG ASMSG IARTG Kindle

0 0

Back at it again with character highlight!🍕

Character: Kalos
Background: Brisky Weather
Head trait: Pizza Party
Suit trait: Vandal Haze
Chest trait: Flag
Left trait: Excalibur
Right trait: Mace
Glove: Key Red
Tool: Original Pepp

8 22

★★Today's Event★★
【記念日】ソウルキャリバーV 発売日
[開始] 2023/02/02(Thu) 00:00

2 0

This is a must-read for Middle Graders keen on action, adventure, and Arthurian stories!

The Search for the Stone of Excalibur by ".

mythology myths legends action adventure Arthurian
histfic teen YA MG ASMSG books ebooks

0 1

This is a must-read for Middle Graders keen on action, adventure, and Arthurian stories!

The Search for the Stone of Excalibur by ".

mythology myths legends action adventure Arthurian
histfic YA MG ASMSG IARTG Kindle ebooks

0 0

1/2 Maid Special for FA's Excalibur9X !

16 126





(Darkstalkers VS Street Fighter VS Soul Calibur)

Location: Jungle

Who wins, and why?

1 5

LA ULTIMA!!!! (me canse de usar el traductor)
muchas gracias por apoyar esta cosa que hice estando aburrido, cuando este libre hare las formas alternas, tanto megas, paradoja y Gigamax

4 12

This is a must-read for Middle Graders keen on action, adventure, and Arthurian stories!

The Search for the Stone of Excalibur by ".

mythology legends action adventure Arthurian
teen YA MG ASMSG IARTG Kindle books ebooks

1 1


兔兔/委託人:咖哩棒(@ ExcaliburOuO)/繪師:逆逆醬(@ d05565)


1 15

Bertin de Caliburn e Safo de Boitata estão prontos pro no !

Art feito por

7 19

★★Event Updated★★
[開始] 2023/03/20(Mon) 00:00

3 3

Baxcalibur Practice 🦖🧊

0 2

(Dominion: referring to a class of angel)
Final Excalibur

3 12

"Take now this sword Excalibur, that once belonged to me. May it serve you well in your quest." - Lady of the Lake

2 6

Meet Concavenator, a dinosaur first discovered in Spain, that happens to have a more angular dorsal crest.

Concavenator is also notable for having quills on its forearms; are the Baxcalibur line’s arm ‘claws’ an echo of this? 2/

28 477

Baxcalibur, the new pseudo-legendary in town, draws clear inspiration from the ungainly Godzilla and other kaiju. Any dinosaur fan worth their salt will also note the similarity to the predatory, sail-backed Spinosaurus.

But is there another dinosaur at play, closer to home? 1/

151 1925

Easily my most complicated work yet in this Battle 2 art style. Really pushing what I can do with this lol

I decided to give that Sir Mordred/Knight Scourge an Excalibur Sonic equivalent: Durendal Scourge.

It all took wayyy too long lol but it was a lotta fun! Love this piece😎

150 655