Took a quick break from finishing classwork to draw my good boi Gino <3 and in doing so, realised how long it's been since I actually uploaded any art of him.... 8n8;;; I've gotta fix that!!!

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classwork. 3 out of the 7 drawings due this monday

(im hoping the next project gives us more flexibility, because this one was kinda butts lmao. but at least i got a few cool things out of it!)

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i don't post classwork here often, but here's my design for thistle's house i made for class! thank you so much to for helping me with the perspective ♥️♥️♥️

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Having some fun in Illustrator, taking a break from classwork

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My classwork today was to design a character and age them through the years--my gal was a goth weeaboo who revisits her roots in old age

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New classwork, this time design a character based on a real person, I chose , Erlich Bachman of fame!

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i'm getting somewhere
i knows it.

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Trying to do some personal work along with classwork because I need to let looooooose

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Quick, post some art to cover up the griping (it's more classwork and I don't really like it but whatever)

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Fast sketch while I avoid doing classwork

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Excerpt of the sort of classwork I did today in Drawing for Animators. This class is going to kick my ass!!!

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Not dead! Just busy with classwork.Have some doodlelinos of some OCs ♡ Also I'm studying anatomy as it is one of my new year's resolutions 💪

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repurposing classwork bc i can

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classwork stuff today she has no arms yet but i like it this way

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not an awesome pic but here's some more classwork

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fall and falling-for-someone drawings, made inbetween midterm studying and classwork -0-

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started listening to while doing classwork and drew some fan art as a warm up!!

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