Cape bikin daon, ntar lagee

0 0

saya dengar miyu ottavia nyimeng daon singkong

14 59

Jessie: "Payton stop eating the candy, for the house".

Payton: "I'm not eating it".

Jessie: "I saw you, and there crumbs on your face, Logan you see this"!?

Logan:"is thiies heowse myde of chocolyte crahckahs, Oy daon't theenk Oy cahn ayt ih' mite"

Jessie: "Logan"!

1 4

[FANART] Stardium Card Team EXO - (v:Shiro酱_,cr:xo_daon)

160 71

[FANART] Chanyeol Stardium Photocard (cr: xo_daon)

10 5