Trying to improve my personal style and the way I color and render my illustrations with Edward Elric.

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I haven't mentioned my love for FMA in awhile so here is an Ed to remind you how much I adore this series!

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Anatomy is hard. As are colors. Also, what's a style! (I keep drawing too much when I should do other things, help)

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Wanted to test my feeling for structure/anatomy by redrawing some fma screenshots. Also I'm brain dead atm and it's just relaxing lol.

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Watching full metal alchemist brotherhood with my baby girl 💯💯📺📺 📺 ❤️❤️❤️
Haven't seen this show before
ED has some really funny faces

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Edward Elric, Full Metal Alchemist brotherhood é um dos meus top 10 animes favoritos, a história é foda e muito bem desenvolvida.

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รอบนี้พกน้องมาด้วย ความ Brotherhood..

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