"There is an 'even-tide' in the year - a season when the Sun withdraws his propitious light - when the winds arise, and the leaves fall, and nature around us seems to sink into decay."
Alison, Guardian, 11th Nov 1840

🎨Paul Nash, "Swan Song" (c.1928)

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Autumn, life’s golden season:

“Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.”—Robert Frost


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Warm and cozy cottage aesthetic from the children's book of 1980s.
Illustration for Autumn Story (Brambly Hedge ), Jill Barklem

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Teiresias foretells the future to Oddysseus [painting by Johann Heinrich Füssli/ John Henry Fuseli, c. 1780–85]
vs the Blind Seer's prophecy in 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?' by Joel and Ethan Coen, 2000

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The crystal ball was very popular in the mid C19th as fortune tellers strove to stay within the law by shaking off the vestiges of folk magic. It was used by clairvoyants to scry for images of the future & by occultists to get in touch with angels & the dead.

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Paracelsus (1493-1541) is the alchemist credited with being the "father of toxicology)

He also believed he could grow tiny foot-high humans from out a jar of semen, kept in a warm place and fed with blood of course...

But they ran away...

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Archimedes defended his home of Syracuse against the Roman invasion with a number of inventions, among them supposedly a death ray. When the Romans won, they came for him: he asked they not disturb the circles he made in the dust.

🖼: S. Terry

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'Michael Scot, the Wizard' was born in the border regions of Scotland and northern England in 1175.
He was a mathematician and scholar. His writings dealt with astrology, alchemy, and the occult sciences.

Medicinal Alchemy 1512

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The Antikamnia Chemical Company created these morbid calendars in late 19th C and early 20th C to promote their pain killers to druggists. While their products were effective, they were discovered to contain a banned and poison ingredient. Images: Wellcome Library

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The Pumpkin girl marries the Mayor's Son and they live happily ever after! The story is comparable to Japanese folktales which also play on the themes of childless couples being given surreal/magical children that they love and cherish for what they are.

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A few surrealists faves...
Pics Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory, Pablo Picasso's Guernica & Man Ray' s Le violon d' Ingres

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Some of Valentine Hugo's brilliant surrealist art for Her self-portrait, Spirit of the Sunflower and Portrait De Paul Eluard.

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The first time you see a crescent each month, take any spare coins out of your pocket & put them in another pocket. 🪙 This will ensure good for the next month.

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Full moons always baffled us. Luna was the Roman moon goddess from which we get the word lunatic. For throughout history, lunar cycles were seen as causal to crime. In England, a criminal charge could be lessened via a lunar defence. The moon made me do it! 🌝❤️#FaustianFriday

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"The moon is no door. It is a face in its own right,
White as a knuckle and terribly upset.
It drags the sea after it like a dark crime; it is quiet
With the O-gape of complete despair. I live here."

Sylvia Plath, 'The Moon and the Yew Tree'

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In Brothers Grimm collected tale "The Seven Ravens", a sister is seeking for her seven brothers who were cursed to be ravens. On her travels she passes the moon who craves the human flesh, the sun is non the better. Images by Oskar Herrfurth

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In Avatar: The Last Airbender, waterbenders derive their powers from the moon, growing particularly powerful under the full moon. On a full moon night, Katara learns, from Hama, ‘the puppetmaster’, a technique which horrifies her: bloodbending.

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In old times it was believed that the different phases of the moon caused a form of intermittent madness, thus the origin of the word 'lunacy'...ask the werewolves, if you don't believe me...💀
Pics wikipedia

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The blackthorn is guarded by moon fairies - the Lunantisidhe. They are rumoured to leave their post on a & so this may be the safest time to cut the wood, but never approach on May 11 or Nov 11 (old Beltane & Samhain) as they will curse you!

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A Danish mermaid could be glimpsed in the summer sea mists. She would bring the wild weather and later visit the fishermen's night fires, taking those around her down to the watery underworld...


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