Rojo fuego pero de muy chica so, no lo pasé y de mas grandecita me pase mí primer game un hackrom de RF actualizado, mí equipo:
Choripan/charizard (x)
Metagross/Metagross shiny (mega)
Laurita/lurantis <3
Raúl/Gyarados xD

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only one i am cool with this is tyranitar hydregion and garchomp causes i draw them as the kaijus too

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My pokesona! Her name is Beretta and she's a big ol alpha garchomp mama with a taste for human blood and chaos

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la otra vez tuve unas partidas con una compa y me sorprendió su desempeño así que lo prometido es deuda, consiguió skin de su main y toco hacerle dibujini

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Cinderace x Lucario x Garchomp
Requested by sasormy on TikTok

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Garchomp x Greninja
Requested by hideandseek_champ on TikTok

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Edit for of Garchomp with Shiny Gible’s colors! I like this one, reminds me of summertime!

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i also just made this shiny Garchomp!! It's inspired by the Megalodon :>

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hmmm I see "worst shiny" is trending
aside from the obvious ones (gengar, garchomp, zapdos, leafeon, regice) here are what I think are the worst/ugliest, from kanto
rapidash. jigglypuff. onix. dragonite. uggo squad

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Garchomp drawn in MS Paint from memory for !

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First Shiny: Wooper on my 10th birthday, Great Marsh Pokemon Diamond
Last Shiny: Swinub
Best Shiny: Cupid, my shiny Verizion. I spent like a year soft resetting for him in middle school.
Worst Shiny: Garchomp
Most random shiny: Random encounter Gastly
Next shiny target: Starly

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I love the original shiny Mega Garchomp, the contrast of a killing machine with awesome design and barbie colors made me just adore it.

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The first 2 are so great and then Gengar is just there like

At least Shiny Mega and Shiny Gigantamax Gengar look sick, the clichee bedsheet ghost should be its default shiny, though

Likewise how is regular Garchomp's shiny colors not that of its mega

They fixed Charizard, so..

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Today's stream was great! Made a Trolem (Golem x Tropius) and a Garrita (Chikorita x Garchomp). I am feeling very accomplished. Enjoy the cursed art!

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Un temible entrenador y su Pokémon!

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